Change in Payment Processing Platform
Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Who is PAYNET?
Payments Network Malaysia Sdn Bhd (PayNet) is the national payments network and shared central infrastructure for Malaysia’s financial markets. For more information on PayNet, please refer to their website at  

Q2. What is PayNet’s Direct Debit platform?
PayNet’s Direct Debit platform is a convenient and efficient interbank collection service to make recurring payments. It enables automated payments directly from a bank account/ credit card as instructed and authorized by the bank account/credit card holder. To find out more about PayNet’s Direct Debit, please click on the Advantages of Direct Debit and Direct Debit FAQ.

Q3. Why is this change being done?
This is part of Prudential’s internal streamlining of payment process.

Q4. How does this impact me as a customer?
There will be no impact to you or your policies. Your payment instruction(s) remains. The billing services & experience will remain unaffected.

Q5. Why are only some of my policies affected by this?
Changes are being introduced in phases and applies to policies that meet specific criteria. There will be no change/interruption to your billing services and experience.

Q6. How do I change my payment method?
We accept direct debit payments from your bank account, any MASTER/ VISA credit card issued by local or foreign banks or a debit card issued by local banks.

Enrol your Credit/ Debit card via:-

To set up your credit or debit card for recurring premium payments, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to PRUServices.

  2. After logging in, navigate to the ‘Sign up for auto-deduction’ option under ‘Popular services’.

  3. Enter your details and then click on the ‘proceed’ button to finalise the enrollment transaction.

For Debit card, please contact your bank to ensure your debit card is enabled for recurring payments.

Sign up for direct debit from your Current Account or Savings Account (CASA) via:-

  1. Click here to download and Print Direct Debit Authorization Form (Original forms are required for processing. For further information on panel banks, kindly click on Premium Payment Details | Prudential Malaysia)